Credit Finances and credit education go hand in hand. In fact, your first and foremost issue needs to be attention to your credit, and in that your credit will become more and more manageable, of course that is only once you contact Credit Repair Oakland.
We restore your credit.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act, created in 1970 to promote fair access to information for consumers. We evaluate those reports and correct the data that has been put on there over time. First of all we look at your credit cards and evaluate them to see where you have defaulted, where you have been in trouble in the past regarding late payments and more.
Car loans, and mortgages are a huge part of the problem and can cause a huge amount of harm. There are many creditors that do not even report information, so we evaluate your three reports to see where the FICO score came from.
Credit repair starts with restoration. It begins first of all with a phone call, and after that it becomes an action plan. Once we put that plan in place you will have the opportunity to monitor our progress. It includes options for you to adjust and make your credit soar. We have the options you need in order to become the better credit repair people you need to be. We offer you the credit options you need to repair your credit.
Credit restorations and repair begin with a single effort, the consumer or client who calls and gets their free evaluation. We are ready to get you the opportunities you deserve in order to become the credit repair experts you need to be. We can also get you where you need to be today, that is on the road to better loan options, cars, and jobs. We can start now, all it takes is a single phone call for a free consultations.
We work with your creditors to get your credit restored today!